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Content Block bug in code view
Posted May 25, 2022
When a content block is enabled in an article, checking the code view of an article only shows any content under the last enabled content block. Anything above that is not available in code.
Changing the placement of the Content Block, changes what is made apparent in code view.
Expected result
To be able to see all code for an article regardless of Content Block enablement or placement.
How to replicate
- Create content
- Add Content Block in middle of content
- Look at code view
- Change Content Block placement
- Check code view again
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi Konstantine Fioretos,
Thank you for your feedback. It's not a bug per se but a current technical limitation that we are working towards removing.
You can still see the source code of all the parts of the articles if you put a cursor in them. But it's not possible to see the source code of the whole article.
Konstantine Fioretos
Hi Katarzyna Karpinska thank you for the workaround, it will do for now.
Do you know if there are any plans to include some indication that a CB is included in a specific part of an article, in code view? I don't expect to be able to see the HTML of the block, but it would be nice to see that something is in there, 'cause moving between code view and normal view to check isn't always practical.
Katarzyna Karpinska
Yes, we are definitely working towards improving this experience.
Libby Tooke-Mitchell
Any update on this one?
We are using custom formatting on articles and would like to use content blocks in conjunction with accordions. This limitation makes it impossible as we can't see the full article code.
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi Libby Tooke-Mitchell,
Unfortunately, I don't have any firm timelines for this at this moment, but it's still very high on our priority list.
Reed Cooley
Hello, any developments on this?
I have the same problem as Libby Tooke-Mitchell:
We can't use content blocks for any complicated code (zippies, tabs, etc.). Additionally, it's confusing for the team, because in the code editor the content block swallows up large segments of the HTML.
For these reasons, we haven't been able to use content blocks all despite repeated attempts in the past 2 or 3 years.