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Set yourself to invisible while viewing tickets
Posted May 31, 2022
Feature Request Summary:
Within Zendesk, Admins/Team Leads are able to set themselves to invisible so they can view tickets anonymously.
Description/Use Cases:
Current setup, you are able to see all Agents viewing a ticket as well as the NAME associated with the Agent.
We understand it is to help avoid Agent Collision but half our workforce is management and need the ability to view tickets to "flag"/"coach" anonymously.
There should be 2 different ways to set yourself to invisible:
- Anonymous: Your icon still appear but it shows up as "Anonymous" to avoid Agent collision. Agents shouldn't know which Admin is looking at their tickets during this time.
- Invisible: Now your icon doesn't appear at all. This way you can actively monitor Agents to ensure they are following the proper steps when handling a ticket. ie. This would be for New Hires to ensure they are following the proper steps while "Unmonitored"
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
Agent impact:
When an Agent views their assigned tickets, they can see an "eyeball" which means they know another Agent/Team Lead is viewing their ticket. It can cause the Agent to reach out to who is looking at it, make the Agent feel self conscious, go back to the ticket which increases the handle time, which all attributes to time taken away from handling the Products.
Quality Assurance Agent impact:
It also makes the QA Agent self conscious on doing their work and it no longer becomes an anonymous procedure. If an Agent repeatedly sees "Jessica" looking at their tickets and repeatedly gets flagged for not handling tickets properly, they know the feedback is from "Jessica".
Other necessary information or resources:
Samir Shah
Hello all,
Thank you for sharing your feedback! We don't have this planned in our near-term roadmap, but I have logged this as a potential improvement to the Agent Collision feature.
In the meantime, we will explore this feature request and its use cases further, and if it's something we add to our roadmap, I'll post an update in this thread. Thanks!
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for sharing this feedback and for using the product feedback template, Syd!
If others like Syd's idea or have similar needs, please upvote their post and share any other details in the comments below.
Aaron Miller
This is the exact type of feature we would also like to see. Same use cases, when teammates see the viewing icon, the ticket gets ignored, even if it's someone who obviously won't be taking the ticket, because that is not obvious without mouseover. Relatedly, it would also be immensely helpful if "Also viewing this ticket" did not show if the Agent viewing is viewing "Inactively".
Chelsea Allen
I completely agree with Aaron! Cherry picking can be difficult in general (I also don't want to auto assign tickets to agents that may not feel as comfortable with a specific area), but our setup is a bit different. Smaller support team and it almost feels like big brother eyes... a few users will be on a ticket and start dropping off until eventually the ticket is still left in the queue without resolution. Not good...
Zendesk User 112
This feature would be beneficial to us. We're a small-ish team and senior management such as myself regularly keep an eye on the quality of support being given to our customers. The problem is, if an agent sees the manager reviewing their work, it can cause unrest.
Gets my upvote.
Jozsef Hajdu
it would be beneficial in our organization as well, we would really apreciate if it had been implemented
Sydney Neubauer
Here is a link to another post: 'Incognito mode' for agent monitoring – Aide Zendesk
Here are my comments to add to this feature:
+1 to this feature.
This is also a feature I would like to see added
Sydney Neubauer
I would like to add one more capability - a way to ‘boot’ someone from viewing your ticket. We have it where someone will remain on a ticket but they should not be on it. We may need to leave internal notes, have a discussion etc. It may also prevent folks from handling a ticket if someone else is already viewing it (you can leave a ticket open but not work on it, etc)
Kyle Beaulieu
+1 for this feature
Please add this as a feature!
Alexander Wright
+1 to this, would love to be able to set myself as invisible when checking in on my team's tickets, allows me to check on quality without making the team apprehensive