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Internal Note/Public Reply Toggle - Agent Workspace
Posted Jun 16, 2022
Feature Request Summary:
In the original workspace, toggling between internal notes and public replies required one click. Now, the same toggle requires an extra click. I would love it if that extra click (which arises in the drop-down) could be consolidated back to one click.
Description/Use Cases:
The use case would be to cut unnecessary time in toggling between public replies and internal notes.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
As agents often have to make both types of comment updates on the same tickets, the extra click to toggle back and forth between public replies and internal notes causes wasted time in the long run.
Mahi Tangnoo
Is this possible if we can trace which is the public comment by user and public comment by agent using API calls? like how can we differentiate between the two.
Is this possible if we can make public comment by user private and then we can trace public comment by agent in which we will be having "public: true " in our API call?
By this we can easily trace public comments by agents which is the use case.
Dave Dyson
You can use the List Comments API endpoint to get a list of the comments for a ticket. Each comment will have an author_id. You could then use the Show User API endpoint to get information on the user, which will include their Role ("agent", "admin", or "end-user".) Does that help?
Mahi Tangnoo
Hey Dave,
Thanks for the help. I will check this if this suits my use case or not.
If not, then I will get back to you.
Dave Dyson
Amisha Sharma
Thank you for sharing feedback. We will be exploring solutions for laying out the channel options as tabs instead of inside the dropdown. I'll be back with more updates as we get closer to development. Keep sharing feedback on this thread. :) Thanks!
Eckhard Doll
Yes, please change this again. We were just switched to Agent Workspace and having this one additional click on every ticket is an annoying drawback compared to the old solution.
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
Hi Tino R. ,
We have uploaded an app on the Zendesk Marketplace called Save as Draft, which may be able to help out with your use case. Specifically, the app provides a special field for creating drafts, which makes it easy for agents to work on two different types of comments at the same time. In addition, the app provides a one-click button to copy internal notes to public replies. The app is free to use, so please give it a try and see if it can help. Full description of the app is on our Help Centre here. Feedback is welcome!
Cheers ~