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Bringing WhatsApp to Sell - we want your feedback!
Posted Jul 14, 2022
It’s no secret that conversations are at the heart of sales. Today you can communicate with prospects and customers in Sell using email, text, and phone but that’s just the beginning.
Our product team is working on exciting enhancements to bring new communication channels to Sell, starting with WhatsApp! We are currently exploring how to best integrate WhatsApp with Sell to deliver a great experience to sales reps.
How you can help
We’d love to speak to you directly about our proposed solution for bringing WhatsApp into Sell. This conversation will include learning about your needs, sharing design concepts, and potential enrollment in our upcoming alpha program. Your feedback will directly influence how we bring this exciting new channel into Sell. If you would like to participate in a conversation with our product managers, please fill out this form. Interviews will be 45-60 min and take place in August.
Harry Bolton
whatsapp would be great - but booking appointments for sales is definitely more important. difficult to do now currently in sell
Katarzyna Kurzyńska - Madej
Hi Harry Bolton,
Thank you for your feedback. Do you mean allowing prospects to book appointments with sales reps via a link or other improvements to our appointments experience? I want to make sure, that we capture your need right.
Harry Bolton
Yes! Scheduling appointments between internal sales staff <> cold leads/prospects.
But with an appointment template that includes all shceduling info on the calendar invite, a meeting link for the specific sales rep (one template per rep, per meeting type)
So the template would include:
- meeting link
- description (harry the sales rep will walk you through etc etc etc process)
- meeting summary
Currently have to type all of this out manually
Could be done in 2 clicks. 1. date 2. meeting template
(sales rep assigned in round robin)
Katarzyna Kurzyńska - Madej
Harry Bolton Thanks, that makes sense :)