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Which web browser for Agents to achieve lowest CPU usage and longest battery runtime?
Posted Sep 16, 2022
Question to Zendesk Agent users:
Which web browser do you use to achieve lowest CPU usage when working as Agent in the Zendesk Web GUI?
I see Firefox (currently v104) as lowest CPU usage with around 16% total machine CPU usage on a Macbook with 6 intel CPU cores and running macOS 12.x Monterey. Other browsers appear to use much more CPU on the Zendesk Agent Interface.
When hiding the Zendesk window completely behind other windows or when switching to a different tab within a multi-tab Firefox window the CPU usage drops to about 1%.
Interesting question! looking forward for some replies!
Justin Beeler
I've been experiencing very high CPU usage from the Zendesk Agent tab I have open in Chrome for years. They desperately need to invest some time in the optimization of the Agent interface. I get that there's a lot going on, but not nearly as much going on as the CPU usage indicates. I keep activity monitor open half the time and kill the "Google Chrome (Renderer)" process that has 16-20% CPU usage. Each time, I play a little game and think to myself, wonder if it will be Zendesk this time - and guess what - it ALWAYS is.
The 20% CPU usage (of all 6 cores on the Macbook) is also the magnitude I usually saw on Chrome for the agent pages, often even more, up to 25%. That's why I switched to Safari first and then to Firefox.
To put the 20-25% into context: A video conference consumes about the same CPU on that Macbook.
Dan Vacca
I had ZenDesk take down my machine because I had some changes I didn't want to loose and was putting up with the delayed graphic rendering in MacOS. Eventually, my machine became completely unresponsive and had to be hard-rebooted.
As of Jan 25 2024 the high CPU usage problem in the web browser appears to be solved. At least on macOS Safari on am arm64 Mac the CPU usage of the opened and active Zendesk window is only about 1%. Only during user activity in the window it increases to 10 - 20% temporarily, but that is expected for any interactive web app.
Maybe it was related to the old Apps API which was switched off on January 10, 2024 as announced in and we had some of them active.