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Chat triggers are broken

Posted Sep 30, 2022

First off. It is super cumbersome and confusing having ticket triggers and chat triggers. The next issue is chat triggers are very limited in comparison to ticket triggers. 

We have chat triggers that fire 30 and 60 seconds after a chat comes in. This is due to a limitation in chat that does not let users know what the average wait time is for a group their chat has been assigned. If, an agent assigns that ticket to themselves and begins to engage with the customer prior to the 30 or second timings. It will still fire even though we have a condition that states "visitor" "served" "is false". This is bad because it confuses users as they are getting automated messages in the middle of engaging with an agent. 

I am noticing some new bugs in chat triggers with messaging that are related to this. with the 2 chat triggers that fire. We have groups that are not taking chats. So I have an exception in the default triggers to not be sent to particular groups and have specialized triggers for those groups to send specialized messages to them. These were working up until 9/12/22 and just noticed they broke. I have checked and double-checked everything and have confirmed this is a BUG with ZD and chat triggers. Arghhhhhh......




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Zendesk Engineering

Thank you for making us aware of this behavior. 
I'll investigate on this concern further on the ticket that you have submitted.


Any chance this causes chat triggers to not add tags? I'm about to submit a ticket over that from a suspiciously similar starting time for this issue....


The issues you’re facing with chat triggers firing incorrectly could be caused by several factors, such as:

Configuration Changes: Conflicts in conditions or recent edits (e.g., dropdown values in custom fields).

Conflicting Actions: Multiple triggers overlapping or triggering at the same time.


I’d recommend running a health check to identify potential misconfigurations or conflicting settings.


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