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Handling Content block translations
Posted Dec 12, 2022
Hi All
My team is working on building integration with zendesk help center to do Article translations. lately, we have a client who needs content block translations support. however, there is a limitation to Zendesk API (Mentioned in the below link) which doesn't allow us to update translations for articles if content block is included
Is there a workaround to overcome this? I would appreciate if someone can help answer this question
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi Aditya Naik,
Thank you for your question. It is true that we have certain limitations to the articles containing content blocks when it comes to API, it is however possible to update translations for these articles via API if the translation has been created in Guide Admin.
So if you have an article in English and you want to return French and Chinese translations via API, this article should have French and Chinese translations created in Guide Admin beforehand (they can be empty). If that's done the update via API should work.
Hope that makes sense
James Grant
Hi Katarzyna Karpinska, that is not the advice I am receiving from Unbabel our integrated automatic translation provider. They state the only way around this is, "Unfortunately, at the moment, disabling the content block is the only solution available to submit articles for translation. This is a limitation on Zendesk's side, affecting all translation tools that integrate with their environment"
"To get your articles translated, you will need to disable the content block for each specific article you want to translate. Once the translations are complete, you can enable the setting again. We know this is an extra step that can be time-consuming, and we wish we could do more to help. However, due to the limitations imposed by Zendesk, our hands are tied."
I have made my detailed feedback here Content Blocks Translations – Zendesk help, as this is simply not working for us.
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi James Grant,
From a technical perspective, the workaround provided by me in an earlier comment should work but I can't speak for third-party integrations.
I understand your frustration, it is shared with many other of our clients. It makes me happy to say that we are very close to remove this limitation altogether so this should not be a problem anymore by the end of this quarter.
James Grant
Katarzyna Karpinska oh wow, that is fantastic news!! Can't wait to see that. My team will be thrilled. Thanks for the update.
we are also waiting for this, impatiently :)
Ricardo Novais Pereira
Hi Katarzyna Karpinska is Zendesk Guide on track to improving this limitation, to be able to translate articles with content blocks via API?
Also, do we still need to create separate content blocks per language, or will one single content block have the option to select the language (similar to articles and categories/sections)?
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi Ricardo Novais Pereira,
Both translations for content blocks and API for content blocks are on our long-term roadmap. However, we are currently working on other priorities, and for the time being, you still need to create a block per language.
Ricardo Novais Pereira
Thanks for the update