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Export article list as CSV
Posted Jan 05, 2023
I'm looking to export a list (note, just a list, not content) of all articles in my Help Center in csv format. The export can just contain the name, category and a link to the article (though it can't be that hard to include all the info from the manage pages view).
I find myself needing to export the list to be able to work through action lists that need to be applied to all articles. In this specific case I want a group of people to go through the list one by one and add relevant information for each article. The only efficient way to do that is by creating a task list of some sorts, where they can check off an item once completed.
Zendesk now forces me to move through the API, or third party tools, which is ridiculous for something that should be a very basic functionality. Also since for the third party tools you often can only get one export for free, though this is something I will need to do on a somewhat regular basis.
In every other tool that I've used, typically there will just be an export button, only Zendesk fails to provide this basic functionality. Which is deeply concerning considering providing how big of a provider they are.
Could you please add this very basic functionality, prevent headaches, and improve the UX for your admins significantly.
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi Tim,
Thank you for your feedback. Export to CSV is not on our immediate roadmap at the moment as we need to focus on other areas of the product. It is, however, a request that keeps reappearing so I hope we'll get to it in the future.
For now, I'd advise using our API or an app from our marketplace (e.g. this one) but from what I gather you already discovered those solutions.
I'd be also interested in hearing more about your workflow that requires you to create custom assignment lists for the content of your knowledge base.
Mike Hoffman
The ability to export a list of all the guides in our Help Center would be useful when creating assignments for our writers during sweeps. It would also help in creating lists of guides for translations, or seeing the structure of our entire Help Center at a glance. Thanks for your consideration!
Dzevad Kudic
I was able to use the Article view to do this by literally dragging and copy/pasting the view results.
Basically create the Zendesk Guide view you want with the data as columns.
Then drag and drop (it looks funky but does actually copy all of the data).
The main annoyance here is that you have to do it 30 at a time to get the full list (if you have over 30 articles).
Sumiko morii/Netdreamers
Some days ago, I had a big problem.
A problem occurred in ZENDESK what only 5 categories and sections of the GUIDE could be displayed.
This time, the problem occurred in a GUIDE that is only viewed internally.
but if the same event had occurred on a GUIDE provided to external customers, it would have been a major failure that would have caused a great deal of inconvenience to users.
To recover as soon as possible when the same failure occurs please provide the ability to backup as a standard feature.
I was really in trouble.
Please help us with a good solution.
Best regards.