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One Touch Tickets Reporting Not Working
Posted Feb 07, 2023
Recently when trying to gauge the One Touch Resolution for my company's customer support team, I found that the reporting itself is incorrectly pulling the data. In Zendesk's helpdesk articles ( it states that One Touch Tickets are those where there is less than 2 replies from the customer support agent to the customer. When using the available Report recipe: from Zendesk, I found that many of the tickets this report was pulling had 3-5 replies from the agent to the customer and even some that had 5 or more. If the reporting was properly working those tickets should not have been pulled into this report. I reached out to support on this, and they are bringing it to their product team, but there has not yet been a ETA on fixing this. My company is trying to gain data on our current KPI's and this is now inhibiting us from being able to create and find better ways to resolve these issues.
1 comment
Heather Ausmus
I'm seeing this too, so as a workaround, I'm creating a report of Agent Comments per ticket and only counting those that have 2 or less public comments. Not ideal, but it is more accurate. Have you found another workaround?
I'm also new to Explore, so slowly figuring out how to filter, etc. I'm sure there is likely a better way to approach this compared to what I'm doing.