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Can i disable file attachment for admin?

Posted Mar 02, 2023

I was trying to create an app to prevent file attachments from the ticket admin. But the api only allows me to watch the attach event.





Hi Nurymkhan!

As we discussed in the call, here is the proposed solution:

  1. Create a ticket Side Bar App
  2. Listen to comment.attachments.changed
  3. If an attachment is added, fire another API call to delete the attachment from the comment
  4. [Optional] Show dialog/modal on error about adding the attachment
  5. Result: If the agent press Send button, it will still not deliver the message
This will be the generic solution since it is workable for both Comment base (email) + Messaging
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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Nurymkhan! We do not have an available method in ZAF to disable the attachment option in the ticket editor.


Hi Greg. And there is no way to solve this?


Hi Sasha Zakharenko!
If you mean Delte Upload endpoint - this removes the attachment file itself, but does not exclude it  from the comment.

Perhaps you meant some other endpoint?
Thank you for your feedback.


Hi all,

then how does this work?


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