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Merging Tickets Checkbox Not Checked by Default

Posted Mar 02, 2023

I am aware that  Admins can  set the default privacy for all ticket comments so that the checkboxes are not checked by default, but this also defaults the comments to private, which logically doesn't work for our team.

It would be nice to have this apply only to the message that comes up when merging, or have them unchecked so the email is not accidently sent to the requestor.

Better no email sent than sending that email saying tickets were merged and confusing the recipient with that additional email.




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Dan R.

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Please please please, this change is really important to consider. 
When administering larger scale Zendeks instances, we've had to remove ability from agents to merge due to the frequency that unintentional duplicate emails were sent.

Allow us to set the default merge conditions for our instance. Bonus points for making them configurable by user role or ticket form type!


My upvote for this!


Upvoting this as well - this is an area that we could really use customizability on! 


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