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Severe Issues with Messaging Widget
Posted Jun 01, 2023
Hopeful anyone here may have some valuable input. We have been struggling with Zendesk Widgets since basically day one. About a year ago, we went live with out Zendesk Help Center - of course super excited to offer support via the widget then too. Due to several limitations of the messaging widget then, we went for the widget classic to start with. Right away experienced severe issues with speed performance/load times on all our sites, where we added the widget. Found a workaround in code for that, and ended up being okay with the performance.
Now for a few months we have been preparing the switch to messaging. Keen to start taking advantage of the bot/automation potential we see in the messaging widget. Unfortunately, when we switched from widget classic to messaging, again we noticed catastrophical effects on performance of our sites. We tried the same workaround that we had with the classic widget, switched again, and the results were even worse. We just can not risk this type of user experience on our sites, the negative effect of the messaging widget on performance there, so always have to switch back to widget classic. Zendesk Support itself unfortunately has been far away from helpful on this matter (currently in our second round of trying to get support directly through Zendesk Messaging in Admin Help Center).
Does anyone anywhere actually use the messaging widget, without third party providers involved, and is happy with the performance? If so I would be super curious to go check that out on a live website, if you want to send me a direct message with a link to that site.
Even our Dev Team is running out of ideas on what we can do here. We fear that using the ZD native messaging widget, without any type of third party help, simply just doesn't work, unless a company is okay with sacrificing website performance.
We are convinced a bug could be causing this honestly, but no one in the ZD Support Team seems to be willing to take a look at that - or can prove us wrong and show us one single live example of a messaging widget on a real life website, that works properly (one that is just there with ZD native features and not combined with a third-party bot)
Really look forward to Feedback here.
PS: This is a feature included in the pricey plan we are on (48 seats on Enterprise!) - I do not think we should have to pay a third party provider to get this to work for us. Our Dev Team has strictly followed every step of the ZD documentation, please understand that still not being able to switch to messaging is becoming increasingly and heavily frustrating for us.
Hiedi Kysther
Hi Yvonne P.,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention and our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. I can imagine how this could be impacting on your end. I see you already reached out to our team and is currently being handled by our Tier 2 team. I'll make sure to monitor your ticket to ensure that is handled properly and with urgency.
Thank you for your patience!
Yvonne P.
Hiedi Kysther Thank You for your comment. It has been 4 days now, since I heard from the Agent on your Tier 2 Team (in that last response with article suggestions that are not adressing the issue, and again the suggestion that "we should make sure that we clear cache and cookies" - which seems to be the go-to-solution for almost ever technical issue we report) Unfortunately I do not feel like our case is being considered serious. Please feel free to look into ticket # 11559959 and tell me if you would be on my end, how satisfied you would be with the support on that matter right now.
The frustration on our end is unfortunately rising again, completely unnecessary in my humble opinion. How can it be so hard to see if there is either (a) a bug causing these performance issues when making the switch to the messaging widget or (b) sending us information what we are missing on our end (with the detailed information I had provided, I also feel that the agent could assume with our Dev Team involved we are 100% sure it is not due to not having cleared cookies/cache prior to switching/testing).
I hope you may be able to forward our case to someone who can help. As explained we have put a lot of hours into this by now, including our Dev Team, that has strictly followed all instructions on the documentation and we continue to be unable to make the switch to the messaging widget (very unfortunate as we are paying for a plan that allows us to use all functions possible, and it's simply not possible for us to switch to this widget).
Look forward to hearing from someone on this again soon.
Hiedi Kysther
Hi Yvonne P.,
Thanks for letting me know. And, I'm so sorry for the delay. I can assure you we try our best to handle each ticket seriously and with urgency. I'll reach out to the T2 Advocate helping you on the ticket and escalate this on our end. Aside from that, I've also increased the urgency of your ticket to Major to ensure that your ticket is being prioritized.
Again, our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. We appreciate your patience!
Nicole Orbe
Was there an outcome to this? I was testing converting the web widget classic to web widget today and when I cleared cache, our website wouldn't load, just the widget. I had to turn it off immediately.
Thank you for reaching out.
It seems there were some complications with your website following the activation of the new Messaging widget, prompting an immediate deactivation to address the problem. Though the exact issue isn't clear to me at this point, I am eager to delve into it and find a resolution. I'll go ahead and set up a support ticket for you so we can work on this issue collaboratively. Speak to you soon.