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Setting up Webhook to trigger Internal Comment

Posted Jun 07, 2023

Hello Dane,

You had provided the below comment on 10/4/2022 on the post linked here. I'm having trouble with the webhook as it's not posting the internal comment based on my trigger. 

You can follow the steps in Creating webhooks in Admin Center.
Go to Admin Center > Apps and Integrations > Webhook > Actions > Creat Webhook.
Endpoint URL:{{}}.json

Method: PUT
Request Format: JSON.
Use any your preferred authentication.
Once done, you will have to add it to your automation and use the JSON body below. 
"ticket": {
"comment": {
"body": "This is the message on your private comment.",
"public": false





I wanted to post here to let folks know, if you have more than one line that you want to put in the internal note, just add /n to create line breaks. It looks strange but it works! Here is an example code with it, I am using liquid placeholders to pull in field info: 

  "ticket": {
    "comment": {
      "body": "Hi {{ticket.requester.first_name}},\nThank you for reaching out to our team!\nHere is a receipt of what you selected in our form:\n{% comment %}Request:{% endcomment %}\n{% if ticket.ticket_field_000000000000000!= "" %}\nEmail: {{ticket.ticket_field_0000000000000000}}\n{% else %}\n{% endif%}",
      "public": false



Lydia Forsyth - You're a rockstar, thank you for that great tip. We have automated internal comments per organization to give our support team some things to know about specific clients, and we have a few that are not easy to read in a big paragraph format. This will come in super handy!


I'm so glad I could help out! :D 


Just wanted to express my thanks too, for all here.  Just set up our own webhook and trigger for internal comments on a ticket where we need a clear prompt for agents as a warning for a particular org.


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