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Contact access from ticket side bar

Posted Jun 09, 2023


I am creating a app, location - "new_ticket_sidebar" and "ticket_sidebar". There i am able to fetch the current ticket details and the customer id using the below code :-

client.get('ticket').then(function(data) {
                    let contactId;
                    console.log("contactId of the ticket is : ",contactId);
I need data of other customer details like name, phone number etc. of this customer id . Can anybody help me how I can get that info ?




You can get details for a user using the users API . To access that from the ticket sidebar location, you'd use the client.request method, like this:

const user_details = await client.request(`/api/v2/users/${contactId}.json`)

Then you can get the details you're looking for from that object.
Hope that helps,


Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for your reply. It works fine ! But I don't understand how. Can you please explain a bit that why no Authorization header was needed for this api request ?How it worked without any api token or any sort of authentication ?


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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Himanshu! When making an API request to the same account that the ZAF app is installed in, and when using our `request()` method, we use the browser's session cookie for your instance as we document here.


As Greg says, requests made by client.request will use the existing Zendesk authentication, so you can call all Zendesk apis this way without having to specify a domain/subdomain or manage any authentication credentials. As you've seen, very handy!


Hi Greg and Cheryl,

Thanks for the clarification. This indeed is quite handy. However, now I am facing a little bit different issue related to the data in the response of the /users api. As shown below, you can see I have saved 3 contact numbers for the user :-



BUT when i am calling the /users api,  I am getting only 1 phone number in the json response :-

I need to know why is this happening , and Is there any way to get all the phone numbers of the contact ?

Thanks !


Hi Anton,

Thanks for the solution! Cheers!!


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