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429 Errors not being caught

Posted Jul 03, 2023


I have a function that closes tickets using the API. I have written an error trap for 429 errors. Mostly the function runs fine without triggering 429 errors (i.e. there is no throttling issue). However, sometimes multiple 429 errors occur in the console and it seems to go into an infinite loop.

I've put the function below. Note that the console.log does not seem to fire -- meaning the error trap does not catch the 429 error.

Can anyone advise?

async function closeTickets(arrayTicketIDs)
    // close tickets
    API = "/api/v2/tickets/update_many.json?ids=" + arrayTicketIDs;
    myURL = encodeURI(API); 
    var settings = {
        type: 'PUT',
        url: myURL,
        autoRetry: false,
        dataType: 'json',
            "ticket": {    "status": "closed"  }
    ret = "retry";
    let W = 0; // Exponential backoff strategy -- for 429 error, we want to wait 2^W seconds, where W increases by 1 for each 429 error
    let retryAfter = 0;
    while(ret = "retry"){
        ret = await client.request(settings).then(
            function(data) {
                W = 0; // reset wait time
                var json = getJSONInfo2(data);
                return json.job_status.url;                           
            async function(response) {
                if (response.status === 429) {
                    retryAfter = 1000 * Math.pow(2, W);
                    console.log("429 error closing tickets. Waiting... ",retryAfter)
                    W = W + 1; //exponential increase in wait time.
                    await sleep(retryAfter)
                    return "retry"
                    return "retry"

    return ret;




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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi there! I reviewed this code with a colleague and we found that this will always return a loop, regardless of whether or not there is an error. Since ret is always returning "retry", it's just going to loop over and over. I would recommend debugging this to ensure that you are building your code appropriately.


Hi Greg Katechis

Just saw your reply. The code does not usually go into an endless loop. Mostly it works fine. If there are no errors then "ret" returns "json.job_status.url;" and the execution continues (please re-examine the code).

The problem occurs when there is a 429 error. I would expect the code to either print "429 error closing tickets. Waiting... " to the console, or "retry" to the console. But neither is happening.

The code I have is based on the following kind of template (the first function executes when no error occurs, and the second executes on error):

client.request('/api/v2/tickets.json').then(  function(tickets) {    console.log(tickets);  },  function(response) {    console.error(response.responseText);  }

Looking at my code again, I think the locking up is likely due to the error function being async, and it is waiting for execution of something elsewhere that never occurs (?) before it continues. The reason I made it async was so that the code would not continue before the exponential back-off strategy had completed


Just to add. The reason that the error trap is async is because it needs to 'await' the sleep function. The idea is that a 429 error means there should be a pause before trying the action again. The pause gets longer after repeated 429 errors -- until there are no 429 errors. But, as I say, the problem is the error trap is apparently not firing off.


Hi Greg Katechis

Sorry to keep bugging you, but I may not have been clear.

You and your collegue are mistaken about the endless loop. The structure of the code goes like this:

while(ret = "retry"){
        ret = await client.request(settings).then(
            function(data) { // NO ERROR -- here there is no error 429 or otherwise, so carry on
                    return "Exit the Loop"
            async function(response) { // ERROR TRAP -- for 429 and other both return "retry"
                if (response.status === 429) {
                    return "retry"
                    return "retry"

So, the code only returns "retry" if there is an error -- otherwise it exits the while loop. My problem is that the console is sometimes showing 429 errors and the code seems to halt, but neither the "no error" code nor the error trap code seem to fire (I can see this because the console.log messages in the original code in my first post are not showing.)

I hope I can fix this issue soon as I am on a time schedule to complete my app.


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