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Proper Image Management Solution Needed
Posted Jul 12, 2023
Image management is the single-worst implemented feature in ZenDesk Guide, by far.
At minimum need:
- Ability select multiple images to delete at once. Right now its a minimum 3 click process for each and you have to do one at a time.
- Ability to view a list of unused images (images not referenced by any article), and then ability to multi-select and delete them. (If you're applying an image limit, you have to give customers the tools to manage the images properly.)
Lue Loudin
And the ability to add alt text to images (or mark them as decorative) from within the media library. Please.
Shawna James
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi Mark Levenstein,
Hope you already figured out that it's possible now to bulk delete the images, and since this week you can also filter them by used/not used, which should speed up your process.
Mark Levenstein
Katarzyna Karpinska We have tried it (and also did some testing) and it is really great. Thank you!