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Automatically change ticket comments from public into a private one
Posted Aug 09, 2023
I am trying to automatically change public comments to private when tickets are submitted from a particular group of end users or any end users, (tickets submitted via webform , email etc)? The ticket comment ID is different for each individual comment. So, I'm not sure how to add capture that in the ticket and have the webhook trigger.
Is there a method, or system for automatically obtaining the comment ID when a ticket is created (by endusers), utilise them on a webhook to automatically switch the first comments from public to private?
Dan Moore
Hello Johnny
I wrote an article that demonstrates how to pull the Comment ID and Ticket ID from Zendesk.
Interact with Zendesk Data using zenpy in Python - An Example – Zendesk help
Take a look and let me know if this helps. The Python script can be modified to meet your needs.
Daniel Moore | LinkedIn
Hello Dan Moore,
Thank you for sharing! I'll definitely check it out to learn more about it. I appreciate your contribution.