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"Can view and edit tickets from user's Org" permission?

Posted Aug 25, 2023

We have enabled the request dashboard for some of our end user customers to view all the tickets in their Org. Whilst they can view anyone's tickets, they can only add a reply if their email address is CC'd first.

I get that this is probably done as a sort of security preference, but is there a permission to allow replies on any ticket in the Org by default?

I see that there are only the two permissions below, so I assume this isn't a option at this time?

If not, please consider this a feature request, where this permissions could be applied to only a small group of end users who manage their Org.





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James Hanley

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Nicholas Deary, James here from the Zendesk product team.

I believe what you're looking for is in the organization record, not the end user record.

The feature is Shared Organizations and the steps outlined in Setting up a shared organization for end users should help instruct you through how to set it up.

Hope this helps.



James Hanley , I think this is different. If you set it at the Organisation level, it permits ALL users of that Org to view/edit. This would be just about allowing select users to View & Edit Org tickets.


The only two options for users are “Can view own tickets only” and “Can view all org tickets” but “Can view and edit all org tickets” is not an option.


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