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Help Center API - Created translation can not be edited
Posted Sep 12, 2023
We encountered a problem where when a translation is created via a API call in the help center, the translation is visible in view mode but if we switch to the edit mode, we can only create a translation for the given language and not edit the already existing one.
Here the translation exists
But when switching to edit mode only a create is possible.
After some more tests, it seems that the editor for translations not only ignores creates that have been performed via the API but also other changes. In the revisions i can see all the different changes that happened including API calls, however the editor shows me the latest content which wasn't set via the API.
Here the editor for a translation:
and these are the revisions for the before mentioned translation:
1 comment
Andreas Sgouros
We are experiencing similar issues with Help Center API for Articles. Some breaking change on the API must have occurred. Please advise on further actions.