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Explore: Ticket Created Count week over week (% increase/decrease)

Posted Sep 14, 2023

Hi Everyone!

I am trying to create a report that shows the ticket created count by week as well as the percentage increased/decreased from the previous week.  I found the Explore Recipe: Compare last month's tickets to the 12 month average but it isn't quite what I'm looking for.  While I can alter it to be weekly average, it isn't showing me a rolling count/percentage week over week.  I've attached a mock up of what I'm looking for.  Any help would be appreciated.



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  1. Select the Table visualization type.
  2. Add a date filter.
  3. Add a date field to the Rows section ("Ticket Created - Week" or "Ticket Created - Year and Week").
  4. Add the metrics "D_COUNT(Tickets)" and "COUNT(Tickets)".
  5. On the right menu bar, go to Result manipulation, then Result path calculation. Under "COUNT(Tickets)", in the Pattern box, select "% of difference", then in the Path box, select "On rows", and in the Reference box, select "Previous element".
  6. Click Apply.


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