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Updating tickets on behalf of unverified emails

Posted Sep 19, 2023

I'm using the Request API to submit new comments on a ticket on behalf of the original ticket creator. Tickets are automatically generated through a checkout process requiring payment with an account so from our perspective the emails are verified.

We are using the OAuth process to generate a token for an admin user with the impersonate scope.

Data being sent is as below:{ticket Id}
-d {"request":{"comment":{"type":"Comment","body":"Testing, please ignore"}}}
-h "X-On-Behalf-Of: "{Zendesk User ID}"
-h "Bearer" : "{OAuth Token}"

The response we are getting is 

"error": { "title""Forbidden""message""Unverified email address" } }

I even tried using the User API to set the verified flag to true, then wait 10 seconds before running the Requests API process.

The same request to a ticket with a verified email in Zendesk does work (although it sends the email to the ticket creator, not the ticket steward).



1 comment

I'm experiencing the exact same issue. Even though the official documentation states that the user's email address does not need to be verified, a 403 error is returned if the email address is not verified. Does anyone know of a solution?


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