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Allow option for automatically setting agent status to Online when the agent is active in Zendesk Workspace

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Aaron Doane

Zendesk Luminary

Posted Oct 05, 2023


Similar to Agent Status switching to Offline when an agent signs out of Agent Workspace, we would like to see an option for agents to be automatically set to Active when they sign into Agent Workspace and are actively working on tickets, with an option to override the status as needed. This would be similar to functionality that already exists in Tymeshift.

What problem do you see this solving? 

With the introduction of Omnichannel routing, many of our agents have been requesting that Zendesk Agent Workspace automatically mark them as online when they are actively working within the application, with an option to override this if they need to go offline. Agents often forget to toggle their status back to online, as they have been used to Tymeshift doing this for them automatically. 

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? What happened? How often does this problem occur and how does this impact your business?

It is mostly an ease-of-use/agent experience request, though this does have some impact on customer response times when agents are accidentally offline. I get asked 1-2 times per week if this is a feature that could be added. 

Are you currently using a workaround to solve this problem? 

Frequent reminders to teams via group chats and close monitoring of Explore Live Data dashboards. 

What would be your ideal solution to this problem? How would it work or function? 

When an agent signs into Zendesk, they would receive a prompt, asking them to set their status. This would prevent any potential barrage of auto-assignments if they are just logging in to review something and are not actually available to have work assigned. If the agent has been idle for a long time and comes back online, the same prompt would be presented to them. 







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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Aaron Doane

I have placed this on our roadmap backlog - unfortunately it will not be done before end of 2023, but once I have a clear ETA I will post it here




would it be possible to have an update on status, ETA etc. please? 



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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Unfortunately I dont have a firm timeline for this



Implementing this feature would be beneficial as it would maintain the status as online when Zendesk is closed and reopened, instead of defaulting back to offline.

Best regards,



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Carlin Brown

Zendesk Luminary

I would love an update on this. The idletime out is nice but I would like it to work the other way around too so that it sets active users as available. 


Can we have an update on status please? It was said that this would not be available in 2023, so I / we expected this would be available in 2024. It's now January 2025 and the last update we had from Barry Neary was in October 2023. Can we expect this feature in 2025?


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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey Pierugo, thank you for your question. Not having the features you wish you see at Zendesk prioritized is an understandably frustrating experience.
I understand how our recent updates about this feature might have caused frustration because we didn't reference our guidelines in this post. Product feedback that is provided in this space is not guaranteed to be included on any product backlog or roadmaps. While we listen and read every piece of feedback that comes through this forum, in some instances, our product teams need to make the tough decision to work in a direction that is not aligned with a particular piece of feedback. This Community forum is simply for sharing your challenges and how you use the product, but it is not a case/resolution system.
Again, we appreciate that changing timelines can be confusing and event disappointing; we will update this thread should we have more to share however the latest update from Barry is the current status of this request. Thank you again for being a valuable Zendesk customer and Community member!


Thanks for your clarifications Shawna, I really appreciate it. I will patiently wait and look forward to seeing an update here soon.


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