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API access or alerts for Integration Logs

Posted Oct 25, 2023

Hi all,

It would be great to have a possibility to export integration logs via API or set up advanced filters and alerts on Integration Logs directly in Zendesk.

Currently, the only way to learn about integration error is to manually check https://$domain$ page, which is inconvenient operation routine. 

It would be better to have some alerts configured (with email notification to selected admins) for error events. Alternatively, it could be just API endpoint to access integration logs, so it can be integrated with monitoring tools (e.g. PagerDuty, OpsGenie).

Use Case / Business Priority

Missing integration errors will result in integrated data inconsistency. In case of customer's data inconsistency (e.g. integration with Salesforce), it ultimately leads to bad experience for the end-customers served through Zendesk products, as agents get wrong data about customer in Customer's profile.




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Carl Joseph

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Artem. Thanks for posting this. It's definitely not ideal to have to proactively check the logs for any errors. We have a few ideas that we're exploring around this. I will follow-up once we have some clearer plans around features we can add.


Hi Carl,

Same issues as mentioned above, do you have a workaround for this issue?




You may have figured this out by now but the way that I get notified of integration errors is via ZIS. Within the ZIS integration script, you can add the built in “Catch” parameter within each “state”. This catches all error states or any that you decide.


"Catch": [

         "ErrorEquals": ["States.ALL"],   ← Match Any error states
         "Next": "ErrorFlow"  ← Next state or action to direct the flow into. 

In this case, I create an errorFlow action that triggers a ticket creation in Zendesk, indicating what the error was. ( Using the {{$.Cause}} placeholder in the ticket description).


The whole example within a Zendesk Get Ticket details state/action →


"ZendeskTicket": {
     "Type": "Action",
     "ActionName": "zis:sample_zis_tkt_create_event:action:action_get_ticket_data",
     "Parameters": {
         "ticket_id.$": "$.ticket_id_str"
      "Catch": [
               "ErrorEquals": ["States.ALL"],
                "Next": "ErrorFlow" 
       "ResultPath": "$.ticket_data",
        "Next": “NextActionIfDoesn'tFail”



If the GET fails for any reason, an error ticket is created, and a message is added to the integration logs with similar info.





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