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Show Zendesk Garden Modal Component in middle of screen
Posted Oct 25, 2023
Hello all,
I have implemented a React app as a ticket sidebar app in the support module. In this sidebar app, I use the modal component of Zendesk-Garden, the modal is then also displayed in the sidebar.
Is there a way to have the modal displayed in the middle of the screen and not in the sidebar?
I would be very grateful for any tips and help.
Many greetings
Norbert Iberer
Hi Ahmed Zaid,
thank you for your quick reply.
I have already tried the approach of triggering a second app location as described under "Modal".
However, the problem occurs with the key url. Here, only an absolute URL is possible or a project file that begins with /assets. However, I would like to display a PDF in the modal using the React PDF Viewer.
Is it possible at all to combine this "Modal" with a React component?
Many thank in advance for your efforts.
I too am experiencing the same problem. Please advise.
Thank you. I solved the problem with your help.
Thank you so much!
Norbert Iberer
Hello Ahmed Zaid,
thank you very much for your efforts and the detailed answer. Your solution approach looks very promising. I will give it a try and hope that it is a solution to my problem.
Ignacio Fornier
Hey, Norbert, could you solve this? I also want to show a react component inside this modal but I'm not finding any solutions.
Norbert Iberer
Hello Ignacio,
unfortunately I couldn't find a way to display a React component inside a modal. That's why I decided to work without React in my specific case.
Best regards