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Show Zendesk Garden Modal Component in middle of screen

Posted Oct 25, 2023

Hello all,

I have implemented a React app as a ticket sidebar app in the support module. In this sidebar app, I use the modal component of Zendesk-Garden, the modal is then also displayed in the sidebar.

Is there a way to have the modal displayed in the middle of the screen and not in the sidebar?

I would be very grateful for any tips and help.

Many greetings




Hi Ahmed Zaid,

thank you for your quick reply.

I have already tried the approach of triggering a second app location as described under "Modal".

However, the problem occurs with the key url. Here, only an absolute URL is possible or a project file that begins with /assets. However, I would like to display a PDF in the modal using the React PDF Viewer.

Is it possible at all to combine this "Modal" with a React component?

Many thank in advance for your efforts.


I too am experiencing the same problem. Please advise.


Thank you. I solved the problem with your help.

Thank you so much!


Hello Ahmed Zaid,

thank you very much for your efforts and the detailed answer. Your solution approach looks very promising. I will give it a try and hope that it is a solution to my problem.


Hey, Norbert, could you solve this? I also want to show a react component inside this modal but I'm not finding any solutions.


Hello Ignacio,

unfortunately I couldn't find a way to display a React component inside a modal. That's why I decided to work without React in my specific case.

Best regards


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