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Multiple requesters
Not Planned
Posted Nov 07, 2023
Need to have a possibility to put multiple requesters in the same email.
I have several customers concerned by the same email, so I can't put them in CC.
James Hanley
Thanks for sharing your scenario Ahmad. What you've described definitely fits within the shared email use case that we're tracking.
Right now, we don't have a solution for this prioritised, but acknowledge there is a valid use case here that Zendesk doesn't easily solve for.
I'm marking this item as Not planned, but leaving the thread open for more comments and upvotes.
Shawna James
For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!
Angelica Ayala
Hello, I've been running into this same limitation. CS has to respond to multiple customers with the same concern, having a way to add multiple requesters would be tremendous help.
Jéssica G. Bigon
I'd like to add my vote on this topic.
My team constantly uses multiple requesters and the common convention about “To” = requiring attention and action and “CC” = for information only, results in a lack of focus. Our customers gave us feedback about this after we started using Zendesk.
Furthermore, the possibility of creating “groups” of pre-determined addresses would be very interesting, due to the constant demand for sending to the same audience.
Hello Shawna,
How often are you and your team running into the problem? I'll say every day, I have several B2B customers who manage communication with several establishments and I have a Zendesk instance for each customer.
What is the felt impact on your agents for this lack of functionality? the impacts are :
- agents have to create the same email manually several times in a row to put the applicant in 'To' each time, which wastes a lot of time.
- One of my customers had to take out a paid application for sending bulk emails to avoid wasting time.
Shawna James
James Hanley
Hey folks, James here from the Zendesk product team.
This is an area of investigation that our team is looking at very closely; with the emergence online business models and messaging channels, email cannot be guaranteed as a unique customer identifier, as it once was.
Not every scenario and situation is the same however, so it would greatly help me and my team if you could elaborate on your scenario where multiple requesters are using the same email, are you dealing with;
Any insights you can provide here will be greatly appreciated.
Hi, I'd like to add my vote to this topic as well.
James Hanley to provide you with some context on my end.
We're building a property maintenance assistant/applicatino and work with HOA's, property managers, and others that manage properties.
We use Zendesk to keep all parties involved with a service request up to date. Each person has their own emails and we end up having to add one person as the requestor and then search for and CC others. It would be much easier if we were able to just designate say and entire "Org" or a specific group of people as requesters for a specific ticket.
In my case, even if there was still just a single requestor and the others we're CC'd but I could add them all to the ticket with a single action, it would make the experience significantly better.
If I were to write a user story for this feature it might go something like:
"As a Zendesk user,
I need to be able to add multiple people from the same organization to a new request/email at the same time,
so that I can ensure I am keeping my customers properly informed and not accidentally missing communication to them."
I know changes to a data model can be quite the task, and I don't know that this would even make sense, but perhaps there's a quick mvp that can be built through the use of the custom objects model?
Thank you for investigating this!
Laura Hild
Our customers follow the same convention mentioned above: “To” = requiring attention and action and “CC” = for information only.
There are multiple users at the same company that want to be in the "To" field. they get too much email and ignore any communication where they are in the "CC" field.
We have no workaround for this currently.
Martijn Snels • - Zendesk Premier Partner
While I'm not a huge fan of processes that have multiple ‘requesters’ I do see multiple cases with our clients where this could be beneficial for the process.