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When manually connecting Organizations to show up data on the Salesforce config app
Posted Dec 19, 2023
I have internal users that submit manual Zendesk tickets on behalf of external users (they are active Organizations) but when created the organization and the requester is of the local person. So on the Salesforce app side no data shows up. I added a custom field Account Name that sync the organization to the account. When the name of the organization is added I am expecting the Salesforce configuration app to now show data of the external customer not the internal customer that manually created the account. How can this happen? How do you change the organization of who the ticket is for?
Jimmy Rufo
Erica Silas, I have this same issue. One way I get around this is by having "Agent Forwarding" enabled, so if the internal agent forwards in an emailed request from a client, the client is the requester. I also added that same field, but it doesn't know how to talk to the organization of the ticket. We have a workflow where if the client is CCed on a ticket, support is instructed to swap the internal person with the client for the requester field. Its manual, but works for now.
Holly McGinnis
We run into this regularly. We have two solutions for this as it is usually an account rep who is forwarding the data and they aren't agents (but often are light agents). The first is adding all of the organizations that the submitter works with to their organization list and manually changing the organization to the one that they are speaking of. They can select the organization themselves using the form if it is already on their account list in Zendesk. The other as Jimmy noted in the comment above is to change the requester manually.
Both require some manual work as you are either adding the orgs to the internal requestor and manually selecting or changing the requestor but both solutions will bring the ticket into the SF interface.
Note that right now, only admins can edit the organizations of light agents but hopefully will roll back out eliminating that issue.
Brandon (729 Test)
"The first is adding all of the organizations that the submitter works with to their organization list and manually changing the organization to the one that they are speaking of. They can select the organization themselves using the form if it is already on their account list in Zendesk. The other as Jimmy noted in the comment above is to change the requester manually."
This is the recommended work around for right now.
Another option is to use a user-lookup field to populate the requester, and then a webhook to update the requester programmatically, though I'm not sure that's easier than changing it manually.
Brandon Taylor
This would be my recommended method. Please let me know if you need any advice on how to do this as I'm happy to help (free of charge ;-))
Erica Silas
Brandon Taylor I have the forwarding enabled and I do not know what form needed to change the organization. So maybe creating a webhook to update the requester programmatically will work better. I would love any assistance you can give on this, as I am not sure what a webhook is.
Holly McGinnis
Sorry, its submit via form. If someone is logged in to submit via form, they can select the organization themselves.
Brandon Taylor
Hello again Erica Silas!
I'll send you a DM on LinkedIn it might be easier if we connect in a Teams/Zoom meeting (whatever you prefer) to talk through it.
The TL;DR version is: A webhook is basically a way to send or receive information via a HTTP(s) request. The cool thing is you can use Zendesk triggers to do this :)
Here's a breakdown of the process for you:
1. Create a Lookup Field:
2. Set Up a Webhook:
3. Webhook Logic:
Vinicius Henrique da Silva
we dont use that here