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When Light Agents reply to a ticket email notification, UI doesn't reflect if client was contacted
Posted Jan 19, 2024
For the Light Agent function, any reply left by a light agent (within agent interface or sent email) shows up as private note in the ticket. That being said, if the light agent replies via email and CCs an external entity on the email, the agent interface shows the same identifier as if they logged an internal note in the agent interface only. Since an external entity was emailed in this case, something in the Agent conversation UI should indicate that the private note was logged via email notification at the very least. That would let other collaborators on the ticket to not guess who received the light agent's email response.
Today, the only option is for someone to guess if they emailed the reply in, and look at the "View Original Email" option to see if the reply was emailed, and to whom.
Sam Goulet
Agreed, it would be good to have a way of knowing WHO received an email that is being captured by a ticket.
Something simple like recording it in the ticket events would be sufficient and wouldn't pollute the interface.
Shawna James
Sam Goulet
What I've done so far to work around the lack of this feature is a trigger that lists the recipients to the ticket. The only thing is you must rely on emails to see it and it's a bit in your face.
Another way I've been considering is to do the same but as an internal note but have been hesitant to do this to not "pollute" the ticket interface as I was mentioning earlier.
Hope this is helpful in the meantime :)
Jimmy Rufo
Thanks Sam Goulet . Maybe I can build a trigger like that, that focuses if the commenter is an agent, and the reply is via email channel. Some of the CC lists are crazy long for some of our tickets, so would have to tread lightly. I'll poke around.
This would be very helpful as some light agents (and agents) are unaware of the licensing nuances or forget so this would be key for understanding conversation history: that an email did actually go out, to the requester, or a 3rd party, from a light agent and wasn't just an internal note.