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How to update disclaimer on ticket subject and description


Posted Jan 24, 2024

We've recently onboarded a new team to Zendesk and they have their own brand and form, though the disclaimers from our other forms is appearing on the new one. The disclaimers have nothing to do with the newly onboarded team so I want to get it updated to either be more generic, or have it form-specific. I can't find where it's located to edit it and was wondering if anyone might have some pointers. I've checked the script.js and style.css files for each of the brands that we have in Zendesk with no luck. 




Jenny Dunham

▶️ If you want to have it form-specific, try this >> 

1 - go to "script.js"
2 - Add this line:

//Show custom description for standard fields //
 $(document).ready(function () {

     if ($("a.nesty-input").text() === 'Form A') {
       $("#request_description_hint").html('Put your custom description here - test 1');
     if ($("a.nesty-input").text() === 'Form B') {
     $("#request_description_hint").html('Put your custom description here - test 2');

3 - Replace "Form A" and "Form B" with your forms title

Here is an example from my sandbox, showing how it works: 

Theme version 2.19.2 (Copenhagen)
Templating API v2

▶️ For more generic, try this >> 

1 - go to the Admin
2 - next, "Ticket Fields" section
3 - search for "Description"
4 - put the new description information in the field "Description shown to customers"

Hope this helps you!


image avatar


Zendesk Engineering

Hi Luiz,
Thank you for a very detailed answer along with screenshots!
We appreciate you for sharing your input with other Zendesk users.
Hey Jenny,
Kindly try the steps above and let us know if you have clarifications! 


Thanks all! I'm working on trying out the code solution and had a quick question. Will the generic description within the fields section overwrite the script.js code? I've added the code to the script.js for the newly onboarded team's brand but it doesn't appear to be updating correctly. This team's brand currently only has the one form associated with them.


Thank you for all your help!


Also, what would the tag for editing the subject line disclaimer be? I see that the description is #request_description_hint, I'm hoping to do something similar with the subject field as well for these forms.



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