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parent and sub organization
Posted Feb 05, 2024
I am new to Zendesk and have a question
In our Zendesk support, I would like to be able to organize organizations in a Parent organization with several sub organizations.
It must not be possible for the individual organizations to see each other's cases,
so what I am looking for is an overview, when a sub organization creates a case, it is automatically assigned to the Parent organization in my overview and I can make reports from the Parent organization that shows me all the cases from the parent whit all sub organizations
is this possible and can someone please guide me to the right article that will help me to accomplish this
sincerely Erik
Brandon Tidd
Hey Erik,
While nested organizations aren't readily available in the product today, we have crafted a fairly simple workaround for one of our clients recently.
Step 1: Create a custom organization field that is a dropdown of all of your organizations
Step 2: Associate each of the child orgs to this dropdown, including the parent itself (recursively).
Let's say you have a parent org called My Corporate Brand (MCB) that has 2 child orgs, Franchise A and Franchise B. You would create the following structure:
Parent | Child
MCB | Franchise A
MCB | Franchise B
This way, the tickets do not cross-pollinate, and you can easily report on ticket data associated with the custom org field selection of the parent company MCB, as any orgs carrying that value will also carry the tag associated with it.
Hope this helps!
Stephan Marzi
Yes, the usage of brands is the best way to divide the different organizations (parent & child). Does anyone also have the experience about the change of subdomains of Zendesk after a period of time? Which problems are caused to this, because Erik probably is going to change the name/ subdomain as mentioned and we are also interested in the most important hints/ problems etc..
Thanks in advance.
Regards, Stephan
Nicole Walden
This is a big need for my company. We work with Districts and Schools and would like to be able to have the Parent organization set as the District with all the schools being listed as Child organizations.
However, I have worked in multiple other industries where I could see the necessity of the Parent/Child organization structure so I think this would be a very beneficial ability regardless of customer type or industry.