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Satisfaction review for ticket with multiple assignee history.


Posted Feb 15, 2024

I would like to have the satisfaction review linked to each agent that has been assigned to a ticket. 

Actually right now only the last agent assigned is affected by the satisfaction review left by customer. 
How can I do to have report where the satisfaction is applied to all agent assigned. 


My ticket 1234: has been first handled by agent 1 from customer support level 1. 

The ticket 1234 is then forwarded to the finance team and is handled by agent 2. 

The ticket is solved and receive a good review. 
Only agent 2 will be implacted by the review. I would like the review to be reflected in reports in both Agent 1 and agent 2, AND also in group customer support level 1 and finance team. 

Is there a workaround to make this? 




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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hey Léna Consultante Zendesk,

While the out of the box functionality is really focused on the notion of 'last agent wins,' Zendesk partner Qvasa has crafted somewhat of a workaround for this in their tool.  I'll flag this post to them for review.



Hi Lena, Qvasa has solved this problem. I would love to take the time to walk you through our product and how we've solved for multi-agent / multi-group statistics.

You can directly install our app and I'll enable our CSAT analysis tool for you. Or If you'd like you can book time directly with me here:


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