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How many times has an agent used an escalation macro to reassign a ticket to another group?
Posted Feb 25, 2024
Hi folks! Really hoping you can help me out with this, it's been a perpetual headache. Here's the situation: my org uses three different macros (associated with tags, let's call them 'tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3') that individual agents apply to a ticket when they want to reassign it to a different group (managers and leads). The macro automatically reassigns the ticket when applied.
I want to be able to count how many times per month each agent is triggering each reassignment type.
For context, this is to quantify agent work on tickets that aren't solved in their name. For instance, if John Doe works hard on a ticket and ends up reassigning it to a manager using one of the reassignment macros, he won't get the solve credit, but we still want to quantify his labor.
My current attempt is using the Support: Updates History dataset to try to find this information. Since I believe Zendesk does not at this moment have a way to track tag use, we have set up an automatic checkbox ("Reassigned") that's triggered when one of the three macros is used.
I have tried to count these occurrences using the following calculated metric:
IF ([Changes - Field name]="Reassigned")
(([Changes - Previous value]="0") OR
([Changes - Previous value]=NULL))
([Changes - New value]="1")
To my way of thinking, this should count each ticket for which the "Reassigned" box gets triggered as 1, and then give me a total of how many reassigned tickets there have been in a given time frame. But the numbers it is yielding are incorrect. Any ideas on how to adjust this calculated metric, or just invent a new one, to get the info I need?
1 comment
Brandon Tidd
Hey Jeri -
Your custom metric logic seems sound... although you may need to add parentheses around your entire if statement and perhaps add an else 0 element. You're also looking in the correct dataset.
By definition a distinct count (D_Count) of this metric would give you the number of tickets wherein the box was checked. Other than that make sure you're crossing that against the attribute of updater, the next steps here would be to boil it down to a small control of easily verifiable data.
Start with a small batch of tickets where you know 2 of the 5 were escalated and verify that the report reflects that. If it doesn't you should be able to drill down further into the attributes to determine which element is throwing off the calculation. Curious to see if others in the community have a different take. Keep us posted, and good luck getting it sorted!