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Connecting the app to work with ticket in background

Posted Feb 27, 2024

Hello. I am currently making an application that need to proceed tickets in background.

I would like to ask about few API methods that I didn't found:

1. Ticket created - how to handle via my app that there is a new ticket were created?

2. Submit internal note - I didn't find any possibility to submit an answer into the ticket, public reply nor internal note.

3. Is the app I'll upload will be always 'online' and listening or it should be done in some way via code?

Kind regards!





Are there any updates at least on any of items listed above?

Much thanks!


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User Group LeaderZendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hey Arotar,

Are you building an app to live in the zendesk ecosystem or a web-application that you're wanting Zendesk to interact with via webhooks / api?


Hello Eric.

I am building app that will live in Zendesk ecosystem.



Can you elaborate a bit more? What do you want the app to do? Do you want the agent to trigger the API requests (create ticket, etc)?


Hi Tomas.
Currently I have an app that adds required text into the 'reply' field on page load.

1. I want it to do it automatically, once ticket was created (mean, app is running on Zendesk server and process ticket without opening it, once it created)

2. Submit added text as internal note

Kind regards!


Where are you storing this required text? If its a free text custom field, you could use a webhook.

From the description you are giving me, I would say that the solution could be an integration with ZIS. Have you explored the capabilities it offers?


Hello Tomas.

I have read about ZIS - this is not what I need I think. As I understand - ZIS allows to integrate Zendesk into my application. I would like to implement my application into Zendesk.

So, this is how it works for now:

1. I open a ticket that I received from client with ?zat=true

After that my application automatically put in the answer in response field (mean I calling client.invoke -> comment.appendText )

So all I need here (after packaging and uploading app, ofc) -
1. to automatically save pasted response as 'Internal Note'

2. To do this automatically once new ticket were created by client (so I do not need to open the ticket) (this part, as I understand, can be done via configured webhooks? like "ticket created -> call required application -> it process the ticket and save required internal note" ?)

Kind regards!


Hey Arotar.

Understood. If you want to paste an internal note once a ticket is created, you can do it via webhook inside a trigger and no app is needed. I can show you how to do it, only thing I need to know is, do you want to paste always the same text as internal note?


Yes, please. That will be helpful.

And no, I am pasting different notes, that's why I need the app to process this



Ok. Is the app generating the text? If it's not the same text, I would need to know how do you generated the text in order to pass it in the weebhook. Here I send you an screenshot of the webhook:

1. Create the webhook. It should look something like this:


Request method: PUT

Authentication: (that's on you)

2. Create the trigger (conditions are on you, but ticket is created should be one)


JSON Body (do not worry about the red icon that appears when pasting the JSON Body). This JSON body paste an internal note when trigger fires and sets status to Pending. Feel free to manipulate the JSON Body:

  "ticket": {
    "comment": {
      "body": "THIS IS THE INTERNAL NOTE",
      "public": false
    "status": "pending"


Thank you. I will try this and will come back to you once finish with this part.

Anyway, if I succeed or not - I will post an update here.

Kind regards!


I still have questions here.

I was able to write API method call to add response as internal note with my application (as answers will be always different).

The only question I have left - I could not find how to run my application when new ticket is created (once I will pack and upload it to zendesk server ofc)

Kind regards!


Hello. Is there any information or any useful link?



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Erica Girges

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Arotar, 
Hope you were able to get what you needed but if not, here is a link to our ZAF Client API docs. You should be able to listen for the event of the ticket creation and use client.on in conjunction with the Core Apps API to determine app activation. 
Hope this helps!


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