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Article editor UI updates not user friendly and slowed down actions
Posted Mar 13, 2024
Over the last few days/weeks there have been a number of updates to the article editor UI that I've been trying to get used to, but they seem to keep coming and slow me down:
- When I save or publish an article, it takes ages for the process to be completed. In general, the article editor is slower than it used to be.
- The translations have been moved to the right. That's not a problem, and I like the new view. However, if I want to add a translation for a language, I can no longer simply select the language from the drop-down list, which previously listed all the languages added to the Help Center, but now I have to search for the language. With up to 21 languages per Help Center, I lose track of which translations I need to add.
- The list of languages is not sorted logically, it should be sorted alphabetically. Currently I cannot find a language without scrolling up and down the list until I see it somewhere in the list.
- I understand that the editing tools have been moved to the header to provide more writing space and less clutter. But it's still not a good position, because you always have to move the mouse from the text to the top left to select a tool. It would be better not to have a fixed toolbar and let the user decide where to place it.
I would like to see an option to revert to the old UI until you've got the final design sorted. It's also not good practice for us daily users to have a change every few days that we have to adapt to.
I know you are not done with all the changes yet, so I hope the current design will change for the better.
Mat Foley
The muscle memory will take time for me to get used to now that the editor toolbar is way at the top of the screen and not over the actual text editor section.
Katarzyna Karpinska
Tina Hulke , thank you for your feedback. We are in the middle of the process of updating the editor UI and hopefully when more and more of the new capabilites are in the hands of our customers it'll all make sense, so please bear with us.
I passed on your feedback regarding sorting language list to my development team and we'll try to address it.
Tina Hulke
Thank you Katarzyna for your reply! I look forward to more improvements.