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Zendesk support menu tabs not aligned center

Posted Mar 26, 2024

Zendesk menu options not aligned center.





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Jessica G.

Zendesk Customer Care

Thank you again for your patience while we worked on this!
Earlier on today we managed to revert the change that caused this issue and it should no longer be visible for you. :) 


There is a scroll bar all of a sudden now.


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Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

We're seeing the same issue


Hello, we're seeing the same on Pod 18


Same here


And here


We have the same issue here I've had a look at the code and this piece of code is what's causing the issue it seems.

When i change from scroll to overlay it goes back to normal.

When it's scroll


And overlay

To change the code right click in the area then click on inspect it will highlight the area click it if it's not then change the scroll to Overlay then close the inspect window. This will stay in place until you refresh the entire page you can still refresh your views normally :)


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Jessica G.

Zendesk Customer Care

Thank you for reporting this issue! 

We're aware and currently working on fixing this :) As this is a UI based issue, and may not directly impact your operations, we request for your patience as we work in addressing the concern. In the event that this is causing a severe impact for your operations, please do let us know.


Thank you @Jessica G.


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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey Prasanth,
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback and others for chiming in as well. We're glad this issue has been resolved. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any other questions!


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