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Slack Notifications Direct to Assigned Agent?
Posted Mar 28, 2024
We recently moved from Zoom Chat to Slack. We had built a customer integration with that works like this:
- Our ticket form has a checkbox field called “Chat Notifications?”
- When an agent checks this box, any updates to this ticket would trigger a Webhook that to that would then push a message directly to the agent that was assgined to the ticket (this was done by matching email from Zendesk to email in Zoom Chat.)
This would basically be the equivalent of making yourself a follower on the ticket, but instead of an email notification we want to get it via Slack.
Is it possible to recreate this at scale using Zendesk triggers? Currently, we'd have to create a private channel for EACH agent… then an individual trigger that had a condition “If assignee is John Doe”, then "send Notify by ZD Integration > and pick the specific channel… and then recreate this for every single employee.
We do have a generally customer service channel that all of the agents have access to, but we don't want to clutter that channel for agent specific notifications.,
Anybody have something similar to this that they've built?
Brandon Tidd
Hey Daniel,
The work around you documented is the recommended workflow at this point - though I am curious if any other companies or Community members have solved for this in another way.
Stacy Robinson
Instead of creating a channel for each agent, I used the Slack email address for their own DM and created an email target for each one. This way I didn't have to create a ton of Slack channels. Each agent still has their own trigger but this works for us.