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Mark Unshared tickets as solved.
Posted Mar 29, 2024
I have a sharing agreement with another Zendesk account. When they unshare tickets, I would like to mark them as solved. How would I do that? I searched for a property of “unshared” tickets but I cannot find any.
1 comment
Thank you for reaching out with your question regarding the ticket sharing agreement between Zendesk Support accounts. If I understand correctly, you're looking to automatically mark tickets as "Solved" when they are unshared.
Unfortunately, our built-in triggers and automations do not naturally recognize the "unsharing" of a ticket as a standard event. However, I can propose a couple of alternative approaches that might serve your purpose:
As of my current knowledge, I haven't come across any third-party apps tailored to this specific scenario. Nevertheless, I hope the suggestions above may be of some assistance. Thank you again for your inquiry.