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Live Chat Authentication - Green Tick Missing
Posted Apr 04, 2024
Since the beta has gone live, we've noticed that the green tick we used to have next to an authenticated end user is no longer visible within Agent Workspace whilst on a Live Chat. I'm not sure if this was intentional, as I've not seen anything in the documentation that would suggest this was intended. It would be great if this could return as it's a nice visual cue for our agents to use.
Amisha Sharma
Hello Kurt Booth-Williams - Thanks for providing feedback. Are you able to provide us with a screenshot so that we can better understand the issue? Thanks!
Kurt Booth-Williams
Hey Amisha Sharma, thanks for your response. Will attach a screenshot with as much as possible, given data protection restrictions etc. In the top screenshot, this end user is authenticated as we can tell by the ‘chat_authenticated’ tag, which is added within the Guide code when we've confirmed the player is authenticated . However, there is no green tick next to their name. This is for the Chat channel:
As we're currently reviewing Messaging in our Sandbox, we've tested authentication there and can see that the green tick does show when the end user is authenticated (see below), so looks limited to Live Chat:
Let me know if you need anything else!
Amisha Sharma
Hey Kurt Booth-Williams - We just released a fix for this bug. Can you please confirm how it looks now? Thanks!
Kurt Booth-Williams
Hi, can confirm that the bug looks to be fixed. Thanks for solving!