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Very frustrated with ZenSell lately
Posted Apr 10, 2024
I am very frustrated with Zen Sell and ZenDesk support. It's seem that things are deteriorating.
- My emails sent from MS Outlook, no longer appear on the cooresponding Contact page in ZenSell – huge productivity loss in the interim.
- email relies created in ZenSell jump to the narrow right-side column.. and that blocks tasks and contacts-- annoying and a step backward
- The helping ticketing process is total Bull S@$&. and I don't even swear very often. It took 4 weeks to get attention, and now that we have a great support person via Zoom calls, even she is not get resolution of our email integration issues…. ‘they are studying it’ .. In the meantime, I'm asking colleagues for suggestions for a better CRM for our small company.
- and hilariously (totally FRUSTRATING) WHEN Iook in the topic dropdown list for how to categorize this post, Non of them are unique to ZenSELL so I don't know if this will be routed to anyone who will read it. It seems since ZenDesk both BaseCRM (the product I bought into) ZenSell is not an ugly orphan.
Does anyone agree? Can anyone at Zen give me some ‘zen’??
Elizabeth Sollish
I too have had a similar experience. Beyond putting a hurdle in my daily work progress the amount of time spent trying to get help is more focused on tickets and less with actually communicating with a team that can lend advice and help.
Losing time trying to navigate back and forth between emails hampers the work environment and ability to communicate with clients.
Remco van Nierop
Hi Murray,
I'm not surprised by your experiences since I was told that Zendesk stopped developing for Sell. We have been asking for a few fixes and improvements, but that will not be implemented in the ‘foreseeable future’.
Kind regards,
Hillary Critelli
I cannot believe I'm reading there will be no further development on Sell. How can you sell a product and not continue to implement fixes and development to it? The integration between Support and Sell is mediocre at best, and it should be seamless.
Shawna James
Hi all, thanks so much for sharing your feedback here about your experience with Zendesk Sell. This has been noted for our Product teams to review.
I want to clarify that Zendesk Sell is still very much a popular and active part of our portfolio. We've been hard at work bringing the Zendesk Sell technology into our Zendesk Suite infrastructure so we can take advantage of the Zendesk platform and enhance customer experiences with Zendesk AI, including our bots and automation features. I apologize that you heard otherwise, but I want to be clear that this is not the case. We look forward to continuing to work and share updates as they are available.
Remco van Nierop
Dear Shawna,
Thank you for reaching out. When checking your release notes, the last Sell update I found was April '23 ! So I really doubt your statement about development for Sell.
Perhaps you could share a part of your roadmap for Sell?
Remco van Nierop
Dear Shawna,
When reading latest release notes I noticed that Sell is no longer mentioned, not even in the section ‘Products with no updates this week’ !
Your honest feedback would really be appreciated.
Jacek Sałacki
Hi everyone, thanks for your feedback and questions here. My name is Jacek and I am the new PM for Zendesk Sell. I apologize for the delay in our response here. I want to take an opportunity to address some specific feedback and create more clarity around this product area.
Murray Sittsamer
Your first two points are bugs and would be better addressed by a member of our advocacy team. I see that you and members of your team have had a few tickets with Advocacy currently to resolve some of your issues. If these persist or if your original questions have not been answered, please make sure to let us know and we can get a ticket created on your behalf. I again apologize we are getting to this so late.
I see that many are curious as to the status and development of Zendesk Sell. I want to confirm Shawna’s sentiments above that Zendesk Sell is still very much a popular and active part of our portfolio. We are working hard to aggregate your feedback to help shape the future of our product while also continuing to integrate across tools in our Zendesk product suite. We are not able to share our roadmap now both as it is not standard practice in our Community communications (ref. guidelines). I look forward to having more updates for you in H2 of this year. I apologize for any mixed messages you may have received about the status of this product. We look forward to continuing to work and share updates as they are available.
As for our release notes, we add and remove different product areas often from announcement to announcement as a standard part of our practice. Unless otherwise communicated through our official channels, you should assume products are still being built and are active in our portfolio.
Thank you again for your engagement and communication here, we sincerely appreciate your feedback. If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out our Community events, What’s New Community Topic, and Zendesk Updates.
Disclaimer for our Product Feedback forums - Please note, product feedback that is provided in this space is not guaranteed to be included on any product backlog or roadmaps. While we listen and read every piece of feedback that comes through this forum, in some instances, our product teams need to make the tough decision to work in a direction that is not aligned with a particular piece of feedback. This Community forum is simply for sharing your challenges and how you use the product, but it is not a case/resolution system.