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Reassignment feature - omnichannel routing
Posted May 09, 2024
I have a question about the new ‘reassignment of reopened tickets’ feature within omnichannel routing. I have created a custom agent status called ‘Annual leave’ for when our team are away on holiday and set it as the status for the new ‘reassignment of reopened tickets’ feature hoping it works the same way as the out of office app. See screenshot below.

Our agents have been changing to this status at the end of their shifts before going on holiday, however the following morning the system has automatically changed the annual leave status to offline. Therefore, their reopened tickets are not reassigning to agents in the same group.
Is there a way to stop the system automatically changing a custom status to offline? Or are there plans to prevent the system from automatically changing a custom status to offline after inactivity time? I’m not sure why we would be able to set a custom status to use this feature, but then Zendesk overrides it?
Any help much appreciated. Hope to hear from you soon.
Barry Neary
Hi Daniel Codesal
We have whats called a disconnection service which recognises when an agent has lost connection with Zendesk due to a browser shutdown. This service after a few mins change their status to offline.
I can add your subdomain to an exclusion list which means that the disconnection service wont do this for your agents. Things to be aware of:
1) This means that whatever status your agents last set themselves to will be the status that they will be set to
2) There is a Zendesk session expiry timer which, when it expires will set the agent to offline. It defaults to 8 hours but can be configured to be longer
3) If an agent manually signs out of Zendesk they will be set to offline
I will DM you on this to see if you want to be added to the exclusion list for disconnection service
Daniel Codesal
Johannes Garske
Daniel Codesal
Hi Barry Neary hope you're well! Just wondering if you have plans to add inbound call channel to the reassignment feature? When an end-user calls us, we often need more time to resolve the issue and we continue working in the same ticket but communicating with the customer via email. Agents have set their status to annual leave but re-opened tickets where the original channel is incoming calls cannot currently be automatically reassigned.
Any help much appreciated, thanks!
Amber VandeStreek
Barry Neary is there anything on the roadmap regarding allowing OCR to be group or role specific rather than account specific? For our business, we have one or two groups that could benefit from OCR and more specifically, Round Robin functionality for equal distribution but also to manage when agents are away/OOTO. But we have other groups and forms that don't require OCR to be active. Looking for a way to bridge this gap. Thanks!
Barry Neary
Hi Amber VandeStreek ,
Just wondering if you have plans to add inbound call channel to the reassignment feature?
we plan to address this in 2025
is there anything on the roadmap regarding allowing OCR to be group or role specific rather than account specific?
You can have queues that only route email tickets to certain groups. However currently all calls and messages are assigned via the routing engine. Is it messages you are talking about?
Amber VandeStreek
Barry Neary,
Thanks for your response! I am speaking about tickets from any/all channels; essentially our IT Dept is compartmentalized into specific groups for escalations, etc. and the level 1 support has been using Round Robin as a preference rather than OCR, so we haven't enabled OCR yet. As Round Robin appears to now be nested within enabled OCR, we've found a work around for the time being for that group, however I was curious for future decisions what additional options might become available.
Barry Neary
Hi Amber VandeStreek , you can use OCR only for a specific group when it comes to email. You just create a routing queue for the types of tickets that the specific group works on and allocate that queue to the group. All other email tickets will remain unassigned - they will stay in views. However for messages and calls, once OCR is switced on all calls and messages flow though OCR. This will not change how calls and messages are presented to your agents