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Filtering tickets on Organization/User Profile page by Ticket Form

Posted May 21, 2024

Hi team!


Is it possible to somehow sort tickets by Ticket Form on an Organization/User Profile page? I'm referring to these views:

https://{domain}{ticket id}/organization/tickets

https://{domain}{ticket id}/requester/requested_tickets





1 comment

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Arianne Batiles

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Kirill Akimov

On the user profile page, the sorting options are limited to the fields displayed, such as subject, requester, and group. Currently, there isn't a feature to sort tickets by ticket form in both the organization and profile pages. To achieve the sorting by ticket form, we recommend setting up a custom view that includes a ticket form column. This way, you can organize the tickets according to the form used. For guidance on creating a custom view, you may refer to this article




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