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Searching triggers - add " Notify by" action to the filter

Posted May 24, 2024

Searching for triggers by action - add " Notify by" action to the filter

We need to find all triggers where Notify by>Target (or whatever) action is used to edit all such triggers.
Without this action in filters we have to manually re-check hundreds of triggers where Notify by>Target or Notify by>User email or similar.




Hi Vitalii Petrus 

There is no filter called Notify by, Instead check for target filter if you want to see results for Notify by>Target

 Notify by>Target


 Notify by>User Email

 Hope this helps!


Thanks, Sushant A ! It helps. I issued this question in the related thread and was asked to create a feature request.
So my question is solved.


No problem at all! I'm glad I could help clear that up.
I'll go ahead and set this ticket to solved for now, but let me know if you have any other questions.
Have a great day!


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