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Knowledge Capture App not Showing Images for Non-Default-Brand Help Centres
Zendesk Luminary
Posted May 29, 2024
I have spoken to your Support Team who have advised me to create this post to get some attention to the bug our users are experiencing.
We have noticed that images in Help Centre articles are broken in the Knowledge Capture sidebar view when viewing articles that are not on the default Zendesk domain.
The temporary workaround for this is for users to access the Help Centre where the articles are stored, which seems to authenticate the user and then show the images however agents are required to re-do the workaround frequently to re-authenticate. A permanent solution is required.
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!
Mitchell Lewsey
Thank you Shawna. Not to be picky, but I'm not sure this is a feature request. It is a bug that requires a solution. Images show in the Knowledge App for articles in the default brand, but not for other brands.
Shawna James
Shawna James
Mitchell Lewsey
Hi Shawna,
I've already opened up a ticket and they directed me here!
"Our product development team has already been made aware, but upon checking they are unable to offer a target date for resolution in the near future for this yet, apologies for this.
I highly suggest for you to create a new post in the General Product Feedback topic ( in our community to engage with other users are having the same concern in using the Knowledge tool from the context panel. Conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.
Specific examples, details about impact, and how you currently handle things are helpful for our product teams to understand the full scope of the need when working on solutions. You may also want to review the Product feedback guidelines and how to write an effective feedback post"
Kind regards,
Shawna James
Susana Fernández Guinea
Hi guys,
We are also facing this issue.
With the Knowledge Capture App being decommissioned on the 29th of August, if we have this issue by then we will be losing capabilities and having a negative impact.
Will this be fixed before then?
Thank you!
Shawna James
Marcus Wiesen
Hi Zendesk,
we face the same issue.
Different brand in Knowledge database - any updates on the bug fixing?
Sydney Neubauer
+1 we are also impacted and this is very time consuming to do the workaround for every single agent impacted. Please can we have an ETA on a fix? This is a bug not a feature request