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Channel Framework: Set comment author as agent?

Posted Jun 17, 2024

Hi there,


We have a channel  framework based app and are running into an issue with identifying comment authors as agents instead of end users.  In the channel framework, we are only able to specify a few fields as described here:

Our issue is that when we post comments back from agents, they are automatically added to Zendesk as new end users. There is no way to mark them as an agent or tie them back to an existing agent in Zendesk. Additionally. because they are marked as end users, the ticket status seems to get reset to Open which is not what we want.


Is there any solution or workaround to this issue? Thanks in advance.




Jake McCloskey  Our workaround was to find the user and change its role to a [Light] Agent. That helped a bit, will it work for you? 


Hi AntonMi, thanks for the reply. This may work for us, I will give it a try.


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