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Product feedback: Chat roles in Messaging
Posted Jul 12, 2024
Recently, we received complaints from our support team that their display names in Messaging have been reset and full names have been displayed for end-users in messaging conversations.
This causes a negative impact on agents side and their trust to product that they operate in.
Considering that settings reset is not possible, and Zendesk admins were not changing anything we decided to enter Chat Roles in Chat Product and see each role what level of permission has. Apparently, Chat Roles are not available as we use new Messaging account.
Please note that we have a business need to see who from the team members what level of permissions has set, who can update names of other team members, access what part of the system etc. Having access to Chat roles while using Messaging will provide better positive experience to our agents and admin team in charge.
It’s not acceptable that we have different roles in a product and Admin team is not able to access the role and see level of permissions assigned. When you’re developing new product and promoting it as most developed, invested in etc. please do think also about permissions and people managing this new product.
There is no workaround now, because we (as admins) cannot see Chat roles in Chat product settings nor in Zendesk Admin Center part. We raised a ticket to ZD support and we were informed that our account has a messaging backend and the setting Role is not available.
We need to see who from the team what level of permission has for each product that we support. Please consider adding Chat roles for accounts using Messaging either under Chat product settings or under Admin Center part. It’s a vital feature and we cannot operate product without having access to it.
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!
Naina Mathur
Hey Georgi,
Thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with your feedback here. This is a bug and has been addressed. If you are still facing this issue, we recommend sending us a ticket with your account details. Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.
Georgi Tanchev
Hi Naina,
Thank you for addressing this. We have raised a ticket to Zendesk support and they assisted us with enabling “Roles” in the Chat/Messaging dashboard.