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Media Library access

Posted Jul 31, 2024

I would like to see an easier way to access the Media Library without having to go into an article. It would be easier to be able to access the library as an Admin function. I see this as a benefit as a Admin user would potentially be able to add multiple images at once, the ability to add Alt Text to that one image. Then this would enable the article authors to just insert the image without having to add the images, then go into Source Coding to add the Alt Text. This would also keep the Alt Text for the one image consistent, and assist those who are not familiar with coding to not miss the information. 

Content blocks offer a nice way to add Alt Text by highlighting the image, and just type on the same page, I would like to see that same functionality with the image editor. Could it be added as a part of the View details option in the image details?

Is this something that can be considered?




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