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Editing an existing table leads to unwanted changes in the table and in other tables in the article

Posted Oct 10, 2024

Say I have an article with two tables in it. I add a row to Table A, but don't touch Table B. This causes 2 issues:


Issue 1: The row I add to Table A now has a border around it, so now I have to either manually remove that styling in the HTML (to keep the table in our original styling) or rebuild the table (to have the table be entirely in the new Zendesk styling). Ideally, we wouldn't get any styling applied over our own settings (as requested in but at the very least, we need each table to have consistent rows/cells within itself. 


Issue 2: Both Table A (the edited one) and Table B (not touched) in this article have (1) lost their padding and (2) all text is centered vertically. These both make our tables very difficult to read. 

We can fix this by removing the <colgroup> tag, but we have to do this for each table in the article.




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