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Unable to perform standard calculated metric between two dates
Posted Oct 15, 2024
Hi Team, I have two custom date fields on my ticket forms used for Urgent priority tickets, the fields are called:
Production Down Start Date
Production Restored Date
I am trying to calculate the “Downtime Duration” in days by subtracting one from the other using this formula: DATE_DIFF([Production Restored Date - Timestamp], [Production Down Start Date - Timestamp], "days")
I get the following error:

I've tried a number of calculations (SUM, MED, AVG, COUNT) and different date formats (Timestamp, Date, Hour, Day of Week, etc) and no luck on any of them.
Any tips or suggestions on how to calculate this? I need to then also calculate the median per ticket as a seperate calculation.
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
Ryan Knight - I found this Reddit post that might help.
Ryan Knight
Thank you, that was helpful. For some unknown reason the issue resolved itself and 2 days later the data is appearing using the same formula with “-Date” as I tried before.