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How to add collaborators on request page?
Posted Jan 11, 2025
The request page have code to display collaborators
if they exist but I don't understand how can I add them in admin panel. I found some info on light agents, are they the same? But still can understand how to add them to the request page
I am using your default theme.
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
Hi Alex | Plement ,
May I clarify with you on a few things? When you say admin panel, are you referring to the Theme Editor custom code, or to another location?
Regarding the relationship between Collaborators and light agents: Light agents can eb added as collaborators to a ticket, but not all collaborators are light agents. Depending on where exactly in the product you are looking, there may be a few different things.
In the ticket interface, collaborators can be either followers or CCs, and followers are exclusively agents, whereas CCs are used for end-users.
If you are referring to the request page, are you wondering how you can show the information to a ticket requester when he is viewing his open requests? Perhaps you could include a screenshot to help clarify the exact location you are referring to.
Cheers ~
Alex | Plement
Sorry for confusion. By panel I meant anything where we can add them =) The default theme have this code in request_page.hbs. So I was wandering how to activate it by adding Collaborators
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
If I'm not wrong, this should just be the CCs on the ticket. So if the ticket has had CCs added they should be shown via this helper.