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Agent ability /trigger action to add a group to another group's ticket so they can access the ticket

Posted Jan 28, 2025

Aside from adding an entire bay of agents as followers to a ticket outside their group, it would be helpful for agent permissions management if you could  grant agents of one group access to individual tickets assigned to a separate group that they wouldn't otherwise have access to.


We have a workflow where inbound leads are vetted by one team, then handed off as child tickets to one of a few different groups. The submitted tickets is accessible to the agent that created it, but not to other members of their team unless they are added manually, individually to the ticket.


In our case, once handed off, we the vetting team may need to review a sample of these types of tickets occasionally, adding notes where appropriate. As they are not members of the handoff groups, they are not able to view these tickets.


Adding the vetting agent to the handoff group would not work for a number of reasons so the current workaround is to grant them access to any other group as long as it's not private. Principally, this would derail the assignment protocol and wouldn't work if the handoff team is a private group.


In the same way that you can add an agent individually a specific ticket, it would be helpful if you could add a group - specifically if you could do so via trigger. 


It would likely be unhelpful to add them as followers though, as the group would receive email notifications for each update to each ticket that they may or may not be associated with. Since agents are likely to change, adding them as individuals via trigger would probably be  duplicative and not sustainable.




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