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[Guide] Article updates/What's new + Agent Accountability

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Sydney Neubauer

Zendesk Luminary

Posted Mar 05, 2025

Please give a quick overview of your product feature request or feedback and note who in your org is affected by this issue [ex. agents, admins, customers, etc.]. (2-3 sentences)

This would heavily impact Agents, Team Leads and the Business all for the better. A new notification process generated from Guide for each Brand/Team that gives a summary of:

  1. New articles created
  2. A Summary of what the new articles are about
  3. Articles updated
  4. What changes were made in the existing articles
  5. Within the notification Admins can set requirements on reading the articles, and acknowledging the updates for the notification in order for it to be dismissed (provides accountability and comprehension for Agents)
  6. An option to include a comprehension quiz of the information being sent out
  7. A way to edit the notification before it is sent so if other information that should also be included (current bugs, etc)
  8. Guide Admins/Selected Agents can set the following settings:
    1. How often these notifications are generated
    2. If there are certain articles that should be excluded (perhaps an article update was just a typo)
    3. Common articles being read/searched etc
    4. Accountability options:
      1. Which agents the notification went to
      2. Who has ‘acknowledged’ the notification
      3. Who has not read the notification
      4. Resend the notification for those that have not responded

What problem do you see this solving? (1-2 sentences) 

Zendesk articles get created and updated regularly however there is no guarantee that Agents will read the updates and may respond to end-users with incorrect or outdated information as a result. With this feature, Agents would be given a list of new articles, a summary of the articles, specific updates to articles and can communicate effectively to end-users. This process would also equip Team Leads to ensure their agents are held accountable for updates and weed out Agents that are just ‘coasting’


When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? What happened? How often does this problem occur and how does this impact your business? (3-4 sentences)

This is a daily problem. An issue may occur and it is communicated but because not everyone reads their emails or searches for articles, they submit tickets which increases volume. There is also the issue where a regular process is updated but if the article isn't regularly read, the assignee does not see the change.

  • ie. With the launch of department spaces there is a new step of setting ALL Brands to access to tickets but this step is often missed and impacts onboardings. Agents can't handle tickets when this occurs

We can appear incompetent to our clientelle if we are providing the wrong information. There is limited visibility into accountability as it is with tickets and even less with article comprehension


Are you currently using a workaround to solve this problem? (If yes, please explain) (1-2 sentences)

  • We have to send out the articles that are high importance (not all articles) to our triage team but it required them to communicate to their team which we do not have visibility on
  • We send out comms for outages/new features however we do not know who the message reaches and if they even read the article we send out
  • At a previous company there was a google test sent out to their teams that had comprehension questions about the articles/information communicated to see who is reading and understanding the information
  • At a previous company Emails were sent out and hidden in the email, there is a codeword that needed to be sent to someone to validate they were actually reading the email
  • At a previous company, a Teams/Slack channel was created where Guide Admins would post new articles and article update links in the chat to inform them of new information but agents are regularly offline or mute the channel which we can't control and messages are missed
  • We have too many Guide Admins that create/edit articles to keep track of what needs to be communicated or what has changed in an edited article so a lot is not communicated - there is nothing forcing agents to search or read articles

All of these workarounds require manual effort and leaves a lot of gaps and misses accountability from employees


What would be your ideal solution to this problem? How would it work or function? (1-2 sentences)

Either a notification app or an email notification that can be customized, tailored per Brand and reviewed by dedicated Agents/Guide Admins that can be sent out on a regular basis which has mandatory acknowledgments of the notifications. As well as a reporting option to see these acknowledgments for Team Leads to monitor




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